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segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010

Mais 22 e-books gratuitos sobre comunicação e mídias sociais

quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010

Aqui vai a primeira lista de 2010 com e-books grátis pra você baixar. É só clicar sobre os títulos que aparecerá o PDF. Tem muita coisa boa!

Pra quem não viu as 4 listas de 2009, é só clicar aqui, aqui, aqui e aqui.

1 - The New Rules of Viral Marketing - David Meerman Scott

2 - Introduction to Good Usability - Peter Pixel

3 - Deep Secrets of Successful Bloggers - Chitika

4 - Building a Social Media - Amber Naslund

5 - Content - Cory Doctorow

6 - Customer Service, The Art of Listening and Engagement Through Social Media - Brian Solis

7 - Fish Where the Fish Are – Mapping Social Media to the Buying Cycle - Chris Brogan

8 - Getting a Foothold in Social Media - Amber Naslund

9 - Let’s Talk: Social Media for Small Business - John Jantsc

10 - Social Media and Network Starting Points - Chris Brogan

11 - Social Media Time Management - Amber Naslund

12 - Social Media Tips: Sharing lessons learned to help your business grow - Jeff Hayzlett

13 - The Art of Community - Jono Bacon

14 - The Essential Guide to Social Media - Brian Solis

15 - The Simple Web: A Philosophy for Getting What You Want - Skellie

16 - The Social Media Starter Kit - Amber Naslund

17 - What is Social Media? - Antony Mayfield.

18 - Blogging On My Mind - Nabil Khan

19 - Get a Design Job! - RitaSue Siegel

20 - Type Classification eBook - Jacob Cass

21 - Design Your Imagination - WebGuru India

22 - The Woork Handbook - Antonio Lupetti

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